
2 proline highbanker/dredge combo using recycling water tanks
2 proline highbanker/dredge combo using recycling water tanks

2 proline highbanker/dredge combo using recycling water tanks 2 proline highbanker/dredge combo using recycling water tanks

SMALL, LIGHTWEIGHT AND VERY AFFORDABLEOur Proline 2.5" combo has become very well accepted with many prospectors who feel it's the perfect size dual-purpose machine. There simply isn’t a more advanced dual-purpose unit available anywhere. Many owners of these machines have successfully mounted them to pack frames increasing their portability. The sluice box is bolted to our sturdy stand for additional strength and the legs are easily adjusted for uneven terrain. Our extensive use of Nomad matting and triple classification makes for an unbeatable combination. Fine gold recovery has been improved due to refinements in riffle profile and timing. Threaded caps allow for easy removal of any debris that passes through the pump, and the grizzley is easily removed to simplify cleanups. The unit is equipped with a large hopper, containing two spraybars, each with two rows of holes to ensure complete washing of dry and/or clay-bound gravel. In addition, the HP100 is the perfect size and operates at the proper RPM to develop peak water volume and pressure required for optimum performance. There are some obvious advantages that come with using this engine: the famous Honda quality, low oil shut off, and the ease of no longer having to worry about those gas and oil mixtures. It’s powered by our HP100 pump, which is direct coupled to a Honda GXH50 engine, offering astounding performance in a package that is lighter and quieter than previous models.

2 proline highbanker/dredge combo using recycling water tanks

The Proline 2” combo offers the versatility of being operated as either a 2” dredge or a small highbanker which can be fed continuously with a small shovel. SMALL, LIGHTWEIGHT AND VERY AFFORDABLEīeginners love the 2” machines because they are small, lightweight and very affordable. SKU: Proline-1025-2" Categories: Dredges & High-Bankers, Gold Prospecting Tags: 2.5 Highbanker/Drege combo, gold dredge, gold highbanker, proline Shipping may be refigured. Concentrating Tables, Bowls & Spirals Menu Toggle.White’s Metal Detectors and Accessories.Minelab Metal Detectors and Accessories – US SHIPMENTS ONLY.Metal Detectors & Accessories Menu Toggle.Pans, Classifiers & Accessories Menu Toggle.Gold Hound – Hand Operated Crevice Dredge.

2 proline highbanker/dredge combo using recycling water tanks